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Men in a Meeting

Resident specific leave privileges

For program residents:

  • 4 days of stabilization during which no outings are permitted (medical purposes excepted). 

  • Next 10 days with limited leave privileges - 5 passes for a maximum of 2 hours each which must be approved by a counsellor. 

  • 2-hour passes during the third week of residency. 

  • 21:00 curfew for the first three weeks. 

  • 4-hour passes and 22:00 curfew by the fourth week (with the exception of clients with a residency condition, imposed by the Parole Board of Canada, or a UTA (Unescorted Temporary Absence) whose curfew will be 21:00 for the duration of their stay)

  • After 4 weeks, 8-hour weekend passes are available to those who are approved (resident must phone in every 4 hours) and the possibility of occasional curfew extension to 23:00.


For non-program residents:

  • 1 day of ​stabilization where no outings are permitted (medical purposes excepted)


Standard sign-out rules for all residents:

  • All leave privileges subject to change if problems arise.

  • 21:00 curfew for all residents on Monday and Friday evenings.

  • Residents are responsible for informing MDH every time their destination changes.

  • Residents must contact MDH every 4 hours.

  • Regular phone checks are made by staff to verify residents' destinations.

  • A counsellor must approve passes and all curfew extensions.

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